Europaskolan – Basic School Policies and Mission Statement

The 3 schools under the enterprise name of Europaskolan adopt the same policies. The key words are “openness and approachability”, “respect”, responsibility” and “results”.

The policies are a basis for our attitudes, approach to each other, and our duties as teachers, support staff and pupils. All staff and pupils are expected to conduct themselves appropriately. The expectations of the respective schools should also take into account the pupil’s age and actual situation at the time. The basic principles are complemented in each school by their own individual rules and regulations.

Openness and approachability is a comprehensive concept which involves courtesy, honesty, trust and sharing i.e. the ability to co-operate and work together both in school and in the outside world. We help each other to solve problems. We, at Europaskolan, are team players, working towards the same goals.

We respect each other and our individual knowledge, experience and skills. Everyone is taken seriously and all are seen and heard. Regardless of position, everyone – teachers, support staff and pupils alike – are vital to the future success of Europaskolan.

We discuss matters directly “with” each other not “about” each other. We are honest and clear in our manner of communication. We include everyone in our fellowship, regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexuality or political view. We see others’ differences as enrichening and as an added strength – we support each other and aim to protect each other’s physical and mental wellbeing. We take a firm stance over drugs and the illegal use of drugs. We take immediate action against any form of bullying.

We take and require others to take responsibility. As teachers we ask pupils to take responsibility for their learning and as pupils we learn to take responsibility for our studies.

At the same time we are sociable within the team and have fun together outside school hours. We recognize we have responsibility for preserving our own, the schools’, the environment’s and nature’s resources. We are loyal to each other and the school and contribute to decision-making with our varied expertise. When decisions are finally made we try to find the best way to support them. Our work in the environment is based on foresight and durability.

Learning is not only for passing school exams but is “for life”. We set clear goals and draw conclusions from their results. In our aim to constantly improve, we learn from the positive but also seek to master challenges and problems. Each and everyone at Europaskolan plays a major part in the success of the enterprise.